Having a hard time standing out? Exude style with bollardSOX™, the best way to customize the look of your facility. Because they install in seconds, which makes them an easy way to display messages, add fun decorations, and more to most size bollards and posts! Want to learn more? Find out all about Bollard SOX this week in our product highlight blog.

Bollard SOX make it easy and simple to utilize space that is usually neglected or wasted, and make it an opportunity for messaging, wayfinding, marketing, and decoration at all businesses, parking lots, schools, and more! Bollard SOX come in two different diameters, 4.5” and 7”, and up to 52” in height. We offer Bollard SOX in single or bundle variety, with pre-designed options including Student Drop Off, Halloween, No Parking, Caution Pedestrians, Loading Zone, Watch For Ice, and more. Bollard SOX can even be ordered with a round or flat top to ensure that they have a perfect fit.

ParkingZone offers anything from A to Z when it comes to parking, traffic, safety, valet, drive-through, and mobile pick-up related. With over 35 years of experience and friendly parking-expert sales staff, we are positive we can help you find exactly what you are looking for. For questions about any of the great products mentioned in our blog today, or anywhere else online, don’t hesitate to call or message us today at https://www.parkingzone.com or 1-800-292-7275.