Tall posts, short posts, flat posts, round posts; ParkingZone has all the posts! Safe-Hit Delineators and Marker Posts are a quick and easy way to add delineation to roadway shoulders and lanes of traffic. These inexpensive entry-level solutions are a great option for large-scale projects and on or off roadways!

Safe-Hit Delineators and Markers can be purchased in two configurations of bases, and two versions of post. For the base, you can choose between the pin-lock and twist-lock base. The pin-lock base is more permanent and is designed for high-speed or traffic applications, as well as withstand impacts of up to 75 mph. The twist-lock base can be easily removed or replaced by twisting and separating the post from the base and is designed to be used for off-street and low-speed applications. For the post itself, flat-top marker posts and round tube Delineators can be chosen. This allows for customization of the product for each individual application and project.

ParkingZone has been serving customers all over the world with parking, traffic, safety, valet, and drive-thru solutions. With over 35 years expert knowledge, friendly customer service, and industry-leading products, we are certain that we can help you find a solution for your problem. For info on the products mentioned above or to learn more about the products coming out later this year, follow us on social media, call us toll-free at 1-800-292-7275 or chat with us online at http://www.parkingzone.com today!